THE BIOPHILIA HYPOTHESIS – as popularised by Edward O. Wilson in the early 1980s – suggests that humans posses an innate tendency to seek connection with nature, and other forms of life.
In the four decades since this inference, the chasm has grown wider. The sprawl of urban mass mirrored by the spread of productivity. Round-the-clock, through-the-night, across-the-season ‘doing.’ A culture that has created a disconnect.
However, in the subtle undertones of this time, I sense a generation rowing back.
Turning to the seasons to guide the menu.
Tending the soil to feed the neighbours.
Leaving their phone to be in the moment.
Taking a walk to ease the burden.
Sharing an angst because it is normal to do so.
Removing their shoes to feel the planet.
Swimming in the sea to know that connection.
Taking a breath when the world gets too big.
Questioning the culture to see what fits.
I find this direction of travel deeply hopeful.